We'll Harvest this Field from Sunrise to Sunset!

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9, 2015

Elder Thomas

Dear Family & Friends,

What a crazy week! Holy guacamole. We went on two different exchanges
this week! First I went down to Gillette Wyoming to work with Elder
Perez. Gillette is a pretty nice place and people actually answer
their door. WHOA. We got a lot of work done. We taught a lot of
lessons... well he taught a lot of lessons, you see, more than half of
his people speak spanish... Haha but that was fine. I just sat and
stared at a picture of a rose, or a fish tank, or a wall. The most
eventful place was a less-active family with very active children, and
not the religious type of activity. Their parents weren't home so we
just visited on the porch for a second. They all told me there names
and quizzed me about five times. Things started getting out of hand
when Elder Perez, teasingly, told the adorable little girl who had
been poking him with a spoon to stop. Immediately, it was a game.
Whacking the Elders with this metal spoon seemed to be the funnest
thing this girl had ever done. We then did everything we could to
leave the house of that adorable spoon-wielding menace. We left the
house with the boys still calling out their names and the young girl
laughing her head off waving her spoon in the air... whoa.

After that exchange, I went on an exchange with Elder Delimata, one of
the Zone Leaers, back here in Newcastle. Elder Hatton went with Elder
Hastings. We got to do weekly planning all day!! What an ordeal. He
had a lot of really good advice and ideas though which made it a lot
easier. That exchange was a lot less eventful unfortunately, not much
happens when you sit in the same room all day. Elder Delimata is so
cool though. He is super retro, he makes his own pomade, shaves with a
single blade safety razor, listens to records, uses film cameras and
polaroids. He is the coolest.

I'm also going on exchanges again tomorrow... geez.

This has been an eventful week when it comes to investigators. Elder
Hatton and I were finally both back and we could hit the road. In
these last few days, we were able to get a referral and set up an
appointment at the members house, meet a referral and the member who
referred her came with us, and find one new investigator from
tracting. We tracted into Dan while he was working on fixing up an old
trailer home. We talked to him a little bit and he seemed very
receptive. We invited him to church and he said he would come. It was
a very cool experience. He calls us 'The Brothers' and his views were
quite similar to ours. He had not showered in 4 days when we contacted
him because there was no running water in the trailer he was working
on. He was somehow able to get showered before Sunday though. He
really seemed to enjoy Sacrament Meeting. Ashton is the girl we met
with, referred to us by Alex Henkle, soon to be Elder Henkle. She was
kinda worried about meeting with us, the weird "church guys" but we
were able to have a really good conversation and she realized we
weren't crazy preachers, just two men that believe in something
greater. We didn't have much of an opportunity to share the first
lesson and every time either of us were about to, the spirit warned
us not to. It is probably good because we were in a restaurant. not the 
best place to feel the spirit. Alex said that it went perfectly and that she 
would be willing to meet with us again! We are gonna be setting that up 
tonight. We have not met with the other two new referrals yet, but we're 

My invitation to each of you today is to prayerfully think of someone
that needs the gospel, find the missionaries, and set up an
appointment at your home with that person and the missionaries. I
learned this week that for every 1000 doors a missionary knocks on, 1
person will be baptized. For every 3 people taught in a members home,
2 will be baptized. It seems to me, that members and missionaries
working together is definitely the most productive form of missionary
work. I'll keep you all in my prayers!

I love you all so much. The Lord is hastening his work and what a
wonderful opportunity it is for us to be able to be a part of this
work. The Lord lives, this is his church on the earth in the latter
days. There are people out there, lost sheep, just waiting for us to
reach out to them and guide them to the straight and narrow. LET'S GO
GET THEM!!!!!!!!! D&C 18:15 (Read it!)

Elder Thomas

Tracting!!!!! Haha

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